August 30, 2017

Sciatica pain plagues many people throughout Portland, both young and old. The numbness, tingling, and weakness associated with sciatica pain is a source of constant frustration. For many, their pain can be so severe it diminishes their quality of life.

Natural treatments, as opposed to pain medication or invasive procedures, are an effective method for relieving sciatica pain. A holistic pain relief approach allows you to continue your daily activities and treat the root cause of the problem.

Talk to the doctors at Urban Wellness Group to develop a sciatica pain relief treatment that’s right for you. Our physicians will take time to listen to you, understand your pain, and answer all your questions.

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is one of the most widely misunderstood types of pain. The term sciatica is often used incorrectly to explain lower back pain. However, only an estimated 5-10% of patients with lower back pain have sciatica. 

Sciatica pain is a symptom of an irritation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest, widest nerve in the body. It runs from each side of the lower spine, through the back of the thigh, and all the way down to the foot.

There are several ways the sciatic nerve can become irritated and cause sciatic pain, including:

  • Muscle knots

  • Herniated disk

  • Osteophytes (bone spurs)

  • Spinal trauma (car accident, sports injury, occupational accident)

  • Pregnancy

Symptoms of Sciatica

The most obvious symptom of sciatica is severe leg pain. Our physicians commonly hear patients describe sciatica pain as a deep electrical shock or burning sensation. 

Sciatica pain is typically focused in the buttock and back of the thigh and calf. In severe situations, the pain will radiate all the way down into the foot.

If you think you may be experiencing sciatica, look for these symptoms:

  • The pain occurs on only side of the body

  • The pain begins in the lower back or buttock and shoots down the back of your thigh into the lower leg (or foot)

  • The pain is sharp, not dull or throbbing

  • The pain is worse when standing or sitting still

  • Numbness or a tingling sensation down the leg

If you are experiencing any sort of lower back or leg pain, it’s important to talk to seek trusted medical advice. Your Portland doctor can diagnose your pain and help develop a plan of action.

Why Choose a Natural Sciatica Treatment?

Relying on painkillers or other drugs is not a long-term solution. It may provide temporary sciatica pain relief, but it doesn’t fix the underlying problem. Common drugs prescribed for treating sciatica often cause harsh side effects.

Invasive treatments are also typically unnecessary. Research shows surgical procedures should only be considered in extreme cases and after exhausting all other options.

Natural Ways to Treat Sciatica 


Acupuncture for sciatica pain relief has proven highly effective for many. In fact, studies show acupuncture is more effective than conventional Western medicine in its effectiveness, relief of pain intensity, and improving pain threshold.

Acupuncture stimulates the release of pain-relieving endorphins, increases blood flow, and promotes muscle relaxation. All of these are known for calming nerves, promoting healing, and helping you feel better.

What to expect at your acupuncture for sciatica appointment:

  • An initial interview with the acupuncturist to discuss your needs

  • The use of 6-12 needles

  • A slight sting upon insertion, no pain once the needle is in place

  • Many describe acupuncture as a relaxing experience

Chiropractic Care

Visiting a trusted naturopath in Portland who practices spinal alignment can provide much needed relief from sciatic pain.
A 2010 study found 60% of patients with sciatica benefited from spinal manipulation to the same degree as if they underwent surgical intervention.

Chiropractic care helps relieve sciatic pain by moving the body back into its correct natural position. The body adjustment techniques remove compression on the sciatic nerve, dissolving sciatica pain.

What to expect at your chiropractic care for sciatica appointment:

  • An examination of your muscle strength, flexibility, and reflexes

  • The use of a variety of spinal and structural bodywork techniques

  • Gentle to firm adjustments

  • Recommendations for exercises


Massage therapy provides many benefits to those suffering from sciatica. Massage therapy loosens your muscles and helps prevent pinching and irritation. It also encourages the release of pain-fighting endorphins. These endorphins can provide relief from the painful burning sensation sciatica brings. 

What to expect at your massage therapy for sciatica appointment:

  • Treatment of 30 minutes to up to 2 hours in length

  • Either fully clothed or partially or fully undressed and covered with a towel

  • Oil may be used to reduce friction on the skin

  • Ice, heat, or fragrances may be used

Treat Your Sciatica Pain Naturally at Urban Wellness Group

No one should have to live with sciatica pain. You deserve quality, trustworthy care to help your body return to it’s natural, pain-free state.

At Urban Wellness Group, our natural sciatica treatments are a restorative experience. Our team creates a healing and stress-free environment. You can relax during your treatment and focus on achieving sciatic nerve pain relief.

If you have questions about natural sciatica pain relief treatments, contact us. Our practitioners would be happy to help you.

Call us today at (503) 445-9771 or contact us online


